Reed has added a web based compliance platform to ensure that our inspections are the most trusted in the industry. All of your devices are inspected on a timely basis and in accordance with regulatory standards, which provides customers with an inventory of all devices, bar-coded and identifiable. The inspection report is always code compliant, accurate, and is immediately available to the customer with an easy to use format.
Why Building Reports Software?
- The software is the most trusted in compliance reporting.
- Results in the highest level of professionalism and accuracy (a service most other companies do not offer).
- The platform barcodes and scans each item in your system to ensure nothing is missed during inspections.
- It inventories every component to include relevant details and model numbers available at your fingertips if something needs to be replaced.
- The process ensures that devices are in working order and identifies any manufacturer recalls.
- It adds efficiency to the inspection process to reduce cost.
- Information is always available immediately to the customer online.
- There is an automatic search for equipment recalls.
- Report is code compliant with relevant codes including UL, NFPA, OSHA and NIOSH.
- Reports are available online and can be accessed at any time with hard copies also available.
Interactive software and building reports are only as good as the inspector!
The thoroughness of the inspection, the attention to detail, the technical comprehension of systems, and the understanding the inspector has regarding the customer’s specific use of the system all affect the dependability and the effectiveness of the report- and Reed inspectors are the most highly trained and certified professionals.