With most other contractors, you receive the inspection report when it is due and problems may be addressed only after they occur. Reed’s COMMITMENT TO YOUR BUSINESS is a powerful advantage. Have you looked into the qualifications of your inspector? Are you confident that every item is being physically checked according to code? Is the system being quoted/installed for the correct applications? No one wants to find out six months after installation that they cannot store a specific product because their insurance does not cover it!
The only way you really know that you have a relationship with a true qualified fire protection company is to have a certified inspection, with attention to system configuration and use, integrity of installation, and condition of quality parts.
Our inspectors have examined a great number of systems in retail buildings, homes, warehouses, hospitals, student housing, and commercial-industrial sites. Although many of these sites had adequate systems, Reed inspectors still discovered incorrectly installed equipment, faulty valves and substandard parts that were due to fail.
Because of our dedication to quality and attention to detail, Reed identifies potential problems and provides preventative solutions.
Reed to the Rescue: Can they really handle such a big job?

A well respected general contractor in Central Pennsylvania was responsible for the construction of a large new facility for a national chain home improvement company. The fire protection subcontractor that was hired to do the sprinkler work completed the design phase and started the job. However, it became apparent that the sprinkler company was not capable of performing the job. At about 60% completion, it was obvious that the contractor encountered problems and did not have a dedicated management focus and an organized approach to completing the job on schedule. The general contractor contacted Reed. We assessed the situation, mobilized our team, and completed the project on time.
Whether a project has a loss damages clause or it is your reputation on the line, you want a company like Reed that performs with commitment, competence, and completely on schedule.
Reed to the Rescue: The lowest price can lose you money!

A Senior Living Facility in Central Pennsylvania contracted a fire sprinkler company to manage an addition/retrofit project. The facility made the decision to contract the lowest priced option without completing due diligence. The fire sprinkler contractor completed the work and Reed had been responsible for the service and inspection during and upon completion of the project. The following significant deficiencies were identified:
- Sprinkler heads were spaced too far off of walls in violation of NFPA.
- Sprinkler piping was hung with plastic zip ties and grid wires in most locations.
- Standard sprinkler heads were intermixed with quick response sprinkler heads throughout the project.
- Old branch and main piping was left in place to cut cost (pipe was to be replaced with new per contract).
Reed added approximately 178 hangars to the work as well as made other repairs to correct the extensive defects. Although this facility tried to save money initially the contractor either ignored or did not understand the codes and accurate design requirements and it cost them much more in the end. Luckily, they were using a trusted company to conduct their inspections and the situation was resolved prior to any incident.
When you hire Reed, you are working with a company that takes pride in their work and reputation. Reed and its employees bring the highest level of integrity to your job.
Reed to the Rescue: Reed often solves other sprinkler company problems.

A well respected general contractor was responsible for an addition and modifications to a university residence hall and a fire sprinkler company designed and installed the fire prevention system. As the project progressed multiple problems were discovered:
- The dry system piping was not pitched correctly.
- Sprinkler head spacing did not meet the applicable codes for the project.
- As the project was being completed, nothing was matching the design.
The General Contractor contacted Reed for direction and decided that it was best to terminate the existing sprinkler company and hire Reed to resolve the situation. Reed reviewed the project requirements, the existing design, and came up with a solution which was able to utilize as much of the completed work as possible. We stepped in mid-project and completed the job on time.
Reed was not only able to assess the project design quickly, but had the ability to incorporate a large portion of the existing materials and layout into a workable design and finish on time.