Capital View Commerce, Harrisburg, PA

This job came with challenges at every turn since the building was only partially finished and the fire protection system was approximately 60% complete when the job was shut down. The structure sat in its partially completed state and endured weather conditions throughout an eight-year period. Reed was selected to assess the status and provide a complete fire protection system when the project was re-started. This consisted of installing a 1500 GPM electric driven split case fire pump and transfer switch controller. Stand piping systems, riser manifolds and control assemblies were added to four stairwells throughout five stories. All of the old sprinkler system was inspected and components were replaced as needed. The sprinkler system also included two ESFR systems for adjacent warehouses. Reed completed this project with successful testing and commissioning of the entire old and new fire protection systems.
Kelloggs, Muncy, PA

This job required the integration of wet sprinkler systems combined with ICAF (integrated compressed air foam). All work had to be completed during a facility shut down and scheduling time was limited. Construction included installation of piping within a food production area. The initial phase of the project required demolition and disposal of two inadequate overhead fire protection systems. The new system was designed to protect a change in commodity and Reed worked closely with FM Global to install high density systems to accommodate the change.
Yuengling Creamery, Pottsville, PA

This project required Reed to assess the status of a partially completed job and implement required changes to successfully finalize the project. This 1800’s vintage building was not originally protected by sprinklers. A previous contractor initially started phase one of two total phases but did not complete the work. Reed was tasked with utilizing most of the leftover piping material from the first fire protection contractor to complete both phase one and two. Based on the design, total modification and reworking of the leftover material was required on site to fit the piping around installed equipment. Reed successfully completed testing and commissioning of entire fire protection system which did include repairs to portions of the system installed by the previous contractor.